Friday, March 13, 2009

irish eye's are smilin..

my homie emily sent all the ladies an email challenging us to a limerick writing competish.. well, i took it as such.. here are the three i came up with:

there once was a girl named nikki
who lately was feeling quite icky
her man had to leave
and now she's bereaved
and they didn't have time for a quickie!!
well, my license AND plates are expired
and i'm getting real effing tired
of driving around
this whole g.d. town
jesus! what's next? a flat tyre?*
april first, the lease is up
and so i have to pack it up
i have too much shit
i wish i could quit
but instead i have to suck it up..
that last one is a shout out to good old kanye west who hearts rhyming the same word with itself...that's some "damn the man" thinking right there..
* i spelled tire irish style.."i'm a leprechaun..."
have an awesome guiness and corned beef day y'all.. wear your green!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

just what i needed...

i thought my subscription to vf was done, but after a totally crappy day today..i found that bad boy in my mailbox when i came home! it was just what i needed to cheer my ass up!!

but you thought that cover was awesome? frickin check it out--------->
it gets even better----------------------------------------------------->
i love me some jason segal...

rogen does a mean frieda----------------------------------------------->

and a sweet honeymooners set up-------------------------------->

it was hard to remain mopey after reading* that article....
*yeah..each page had like, 72 words on it.. but still made me happy..